For the little boy, a lolly was tangible, whereas a promise was not. The word tangible in this sentence means: A.Basic B. Touchable C. Actual D. Edible

Answer :

Answer: D. Edible


The dictionary meaning of tangible is - something that is perceptible by touch. It is usually used in sentences to mean things that are physical and can be touched.

In the sentence, tangible means edible.

The little boy does not really concern himself with promises. He is only interested in a lolly (lollipop) which is something he can eat.

The word tangible in this sentence means: D. Edible.

The word tangible refers to something that can be touched, seen, or felt. It is not abstract rather it is real and relatable.

In the context of this word's usage in the sentence, we can say that it means edible.

So, the boy believed that he could eat the lollipop and this was not the case with a promise.

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