What are the differences between behaviorism and constructivism?

Answer :


One of the main differences between behaviorism and constructivism is the role of the learner.


In the case of behaviorism, the student is a recipient of new knowledge that will ultimately cause him to change his behavior, and in the case of constructivism, learning is understood from the mental processes of the subject, so the student is the main protagonist of all learning.

In this case, the definition of learning in behaviorism vs constructivism is one of the main differences that we can find. Thus, learning in behaviorism is the result of the association produced by the intervention of stimulus-response reinforcement, and in the case of constructivism learning is the result of a process of construction of meanings and of adapting them to previous knowledge of the student body.

The evaluation in the case of behaviorism is summative and standardized and is represented by means of positive and / or negative reinforcements. In the case of constructivism, the evaluations are formative and feedback.