The Austin folder contains two shapefiles showing dog off-leash areas as points and polygons. Both have coordinate problems. Describe the problem for each; then fix them and create a map showing both the points and the polygons with a backdrop of the major transportation arteries in Austin.

Answer :

Answer is given below:


  • The dogg_oflish_arias point file has an undefined coordinate system, although it looks like any other Austin data in NAD 1983 State Plains Texas Central. Dog_offleash_bnd The polygon file is in an unlisted GCS file.
  • Another answer is the map. Method: Load the arteries in the new map document. Add the DogPoint file, which appears with a warning. Check the coordinate system to make sure it is unleaded and use Define Projection to determine if it matches other Austin data on the state plane. Add an invisible dog polygon file.
  • Check it to make sure the coordinate system is not labeled and has degrees. Use project define to label it as GCS_NAD_1983, and then it will appear with the rest of the data. It can be projected onto a state plane if desired, but does not require mapping.