I need a title. Read this story and give it a title, AND HURRY!!!:

I knew I Should have worn a parachute today. My name is Olivia Wade, I am 15 years old and this is the story of how I jumped out of a plane parachute-less, And lived to tell the story. The day started out like any day. I had overslept ( again!) and was late to school, and my best friend, Ava, was already sitting there waiting for me. “ What took you so long? School starts at 8:00 and you're not usually here till 10:00. It’s 10:30!” Ava said. “ Yeah, yeah, I Know. I just-I slept in a little that’s all. Where’s Andrew?” I asked. “ His dad is being cruel again and won’t let him out of the house.” Ava answered. “ oh, Okay.” I was a fan of Andrew and his work. He’s a model and he’s not even in college yet! But, I’ve always dreamed of being a fashion designer. At lunch, Ava and I sat with a friend of hers named Nickolas. “ hey girls!” cheered Nick. “ Hi” I replied. “Hey Nicky!” Giggled Ava. “ Did you girls get an invite from Andrew yesterday?” Nick asked politely. “ I got one” Ava said. “ I DID TOO!!!” I yelled. “ Um...Okay!” Nick stuttered. “ sorry, I just-” I got distracted by a boy walking into the school building. It was Andrew! I kinda panicked. “ You okay?” Ava Asked. “ Yeah!” I replied. Andrew walked over to where Ava, Nick, and I were sitting. “ Hey Guys! Did you get the invitations I sent?” Andrew asked. “ Yeah, we got them” Nick stated. “ Great, and you are all coming, right?” Andrew asked again. “ yeah” Ava replied.
“ Great! See you later!” Andrew cheered.


I was worried because the invites were for skydiving, which I've never done before. The plane took off and everyone was grabbing a parachute, except me. “ What’s wrong?” Andrew asked me. I tripped over my words, “ I’m okay- I mean I’m just- I’ve never skydived before'' I Stammered. Andrew laughed, then tried to help me find a parachute. He was shocked when he discovered that there were no more parachutes. “ oh, well, I guess hold on tight to me.” Andrew said. “ WHAT!? HOLD ON TO YOU?! I MEAN OK-I MEAN, let’s go before I change my mind.” Ava, Nick, Andrew and I all jumped out of the plane at the same time. And believe it or not, We all ( including me) Landed safely. This was one of the best experiences I’ve ever had! Then, Andrew had to go, Nick, Ava, And I were gonna go get some Ice Cream. “Andrew! Wait!” I exclaimed. “ Listen, I have to tell you something. I’ve wanted to tell you for a while but I was too worried about how you would react. I like you more than a friend, I would do anything for you Because I-I love you.” I had finally got that off my chest. Andrew told me he had felt the same way about me. I was EXTREMELY SHOCKED!!! “ You DO feel the same way? And you aren’t just saying that?” I asked him. “ You think I’m lying? Why would I lie to you. I care about you and your feelings.” Andrew replied. I just said, “ wow!” while my mind was screaming, “ AHHHHHH! HE LIKES ME TOO?! THIS IS THE BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!!!” Andrew got in his limo and Ava, Nick, and I went to go get some ice cream. Maybe, I didn’t need a parachute today. Cause if I had one, All that stuff wouldn’t have happened. It feels good to face your fears every now and then. And let that be a lesson to all you lovesick girls out there, If you want him to know, accept the invite, and forget the parachute!!!


Answer :


Parachute or My Parachuting life



letting go maybe?

or parachute less im not sure

or maybe shock of the world

i dont know