1. The poor horse was very melancholy, and wandered up and down in the wood, seeking some little shelter from the cold wind and rain. Presently a fox met him: "What’s the matter, my friend?" said he. "Why do you hang down your head and look so lonely and woe-begone?" "Ah!" replied the horse, "justice and avarice never dwell in one house; my master has forgotten all that I have done for him so many years, and because I can no longer work he has turned me adrift and says unless I become stronger than a lion he will not take me back again; what chance can I have of that? He knows I have none, or he would not talk so.

which idea is stated explicitly in the text?

2. The poor horse was very melancholy, and wandered up and down in the wood, seeking some little shelter from the cold wind and rain. Presently a fox met him: "What’s the matter, my friend?" said he. "Why do you hang down your head and look so lonely and woe-begone?" "Ah!" replied the horse, "justice and avarice never dwell in one house; my master has forgotten all that I have done for him so many years, and because I can no longer work he has turned me adrift and says unless I become stronger than a lion he will not take me back again; what chance can I have of that? He knows I have none, or he would not talk so.

which inference can be made about the farmer in this text

3. the___ (a. plot, b theme, c characterizations) different from the main events in a story because it is ___.( a stated directly, b not stated directly) ​

Answer :

1. The idea that "justice and avarice never dwell in one house" is stated explicitly in the text- the idea that there is never a balance, you can never have one and the other.

2. From this text, the reader can infer that the farmer is avaricious, since the horse was obviously not treated justly and they made the claim that the farmer is not just AND avaricious. The farmer got rid of the horse because they no longer served a purpose.

3. b) theme and b) not stated directly

Hope this helps!

1. The idea that can be gotten here is the fact that things can be forgotten or become useless to us when they can no longer fulfill their purpose.

2. The inference that can be made about the master is that he is an unfair and cruel person.

3. The theme is different from the main events in a story because it is not stated directly.

The Idea of the story

The idea of the story is that everything has a purpose and the horse has stopped meeting with its purpose so the farmer had to do away with it.

The inference that can be made

The inference about the master is that he is cruel and not one to consider a person's past good deeds.

Read more on the theme of a story here:


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