n your essay you will critically analyze and compare and contrast .
•Paragraph 1 – Introduction (Name of the presidents; location of speech; speaker, synopsis; purpose of speech = thesis)
•Paragraphs 2 : Introduce your president. And their speech. – Point out the different elements that brings out the purpose of the speech. Are their specifc things that your president addresses? Do the points that they make connect with what is going on at the time?Do they include other presidents? What are the points that they are trying to make? Discuss the introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion.
•Paragraph 3- Do the same thing that you did for your president for Joe Biden’s speech.
•Paragragph 4: Compare and Contrast both speeches. Look at the language, rhetorical devices that are used (ethos, pathos, logos, and figurative language. ) Are there any references to prior presidents? Also , how do they address their audience. Is their speech specifically tailored for their audience and the time that they were in. Include how the introduction, body paragraph, and conclusion are written.
•Paragragph 5: Conclusion. End with something that may have stuck out to you from this speech.