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around the sun (heliocentric model), how revolutionary would this idea be to you and others living in the 16th century? Why? 1 – no big deal 2 – interesting 3 – Wow, we learn something new every day 4 – This is revolutionary! Our whole worldview is changed! Starter: The idea that the earth moved around the sun would be ____ because…. Click on the “Answer Assignment” button below and type your response. You have completedbnfjvxyhlchxkgkxgkuxlulchlxhxlchflhlhxludduldhldulfulfuldulslydulduldulduldulfillflif
Assignment Learning Targets: I can identify and explain the cause and effects of the Scientific Revolution. I can identify the contributions of important scientists of the Scientific Revolution. Language Objectives: I will show comprehension of text about the Scientific Revolution by reading a timeline. I will explain in writing about the Scientific Revolution by creating and answering questions. Making Connections 1. Read the following scenario: Pretend that you are living in the 16th century and you are the smartest and most educated person in your village. Astronomy fascinates you. A university student has given you two models of the universe and asks, “Which model is correct?” As you prepare to answer the student, you make sure he knows these ideas that everyone believes are true: Belief #1: The earth doesn’t move – if it really spins on an axis, then why don’t things fly off it? Why aren’t birds left behind if the earth moves? If the earth moves, then why don’t we see the stars change their position as we move? Belief #2: Man is the center of the universe. Thus, earth holds a special place in the universe. Belief #3: The sun rises and sets – therefore the sun, not earth, must be moving. Based on these ideas, which figure below would you conclude is the correct one – A or B? Model A Model B “Backwards Planning PowerPoints: The Scientific Revolution,” ©2021 Active Classroom. Used With Permission. 2. The Correct Model: If you were later shown that the earth does indeed move around the sun (heliocentric model), how revolutionary would this idea be to you and others living in the 16th century? Why? 1 – no big deal 2 – interesting 3 – Wow, we learn something new every day 4 – This is revolutionary! Our whole worldview is changed! Starter: The idea that the earth moved around the sun would be ____ because…. Click on the “Answer Assignment” button below and type your response. You have completed this portion of the lesson. Please proceed to Ac