Provide about 2+ paragraphs of the effects of stress and what stress is.
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Stress can be defined as any type of change that causes physical, emotional, or psychological strain. Stress is your body's response to anything that requires attention or action.

*It's Effects*

Stress can play a part in problems such as headaches, high blood pressure, heart problems, diabetes, skin conditions, asthma, arthritis, depression, and anxiety.


Anything that brings on feelings of stress is called a stressor. Today, people often face many stressors.

Your body’s response to stress

When you’re faced with stress, certain chemicals (hormones) in your body are released. These hormones trigger many changes in your body. For instance, your:

Blood pressure may rise

Heart may pound

Muscles may tighten

Stomach may become tense

Concentration may get worse

Forgetfulness may get worse


Stressors may include:

Adapting to constant, rapid change

Worrying about your finances and the economy

Handling a major life event, such as changing jobs or moving to a new home

Handling more than one major life event at the same time, for instance, dealing with a family illness while changing jobs

Juggling many roles and responsibilities, such as spouse or life partner, parent, friend, employee, and caregiver for aging parents

Going from one challenging situation to the next without taking time to relax

Being overwhelmed by technology such as, keeping up with cell phone messages, e-mails, and text messages

The long-term effects of stress

If you’re often under stress, you need to learn to manage it well. Stress can affect your well-being. Over time, you may show some of these symptoms of being stressed:

Physical. Frequent colds or flu, headaches, trouble sleeping, muscle tension, skin problems, trouble with digestion

Mental. Poor concentration, forgetfulness, learning problems, frequent negative thoughts, speech problems

Emotional. Anxiety, depression, anger, irritability, feelings of helplessness, lack of purpose, relationship troubles

Behavioral. Eating poorly, driving recklessly, abusing alcohol or drugs, being accident prone, showing aggression