What is the relationship between the stanzas and the rhyme scheme? How does the rhyming pattern connect and separate the stanzas?

Answer :

Part A:

The relationship between the stanzas and the rhyme scheme is :

  • In rhyming poetry, rhyme plays a part in characterizing stanza structure, and rhyme plans can span more than one stanza to bind together the lyric.
  • Stanzas can share a single rhyme conspire, or they may be portion of a bigger design, as in Robert Frost's lyric "Familiar With the Night,: which has an ABAB design that expands over the primary stanza and into the moment: "I have been one familiar with the night.

Part B:

The rhyming pattern connect and separate the stanzas is :

  • A poem's rhyme conspire is the design of rehashing rhymed syllables at the conclusion of its lines.
  • To set up a poem's overwhelming rhyme conspire, each line is alloted a diverse letter of the letter set until a coordinating rhyme shows up.
  • That line is given the same letter as the line with which it rhymes, and this design is rehashed until all rhyming lines are recognized.

Learn more about "rhyme scheme":
