Answer :
The story is complicated. A man, Tom Robinson is falsely accused of a crime. It is unlikely that he can get a fair trial in that town because he is black and racial prejudice was terrible.
Atticus loses the case, but Bob Ewell, the accuser, seeks revenge for Atticus making him look foolish in court by attacking Atticus's children, Scout and Jem.
The mysterious Boo Radley saves them, killing Bob Ewell in the process. But the sheriff and Atticus decided to protect Boo's privacy: to involve him in a public trial would be "to kill a mockingbird."
That is a brief overview of the main plot.
There is so much more to this story than can be fit into this small space: Scout's narrative, the interactions with classmates and townspeople, their adventures with Dill, and especially how they come to understand and respect Boo Radley.
The story provides wonderful insights into the importance of personal integrity, honesty and respect for the rights of others. We meet a host of intriguing characters along the way.