Answer each question in Spanish using complete sentences

Answer Each Question In Spanish Using Complete Sentences class=

Answer :

1) Is the boy from Mexico? And where is your friend from?

2) Now is the boy in Florida? And where is your friend?

3) Where is the boy from and where is he now? Where is his friend from and where is she now?

4) Where are you from? Where are you now?

5) In which street is your home located?

6) The school is near or far from your home?

7) What city or town is your school in?

Your welcome :)
1) El muchacho es de Mexico y su amigo es de Honduras.
2) Si, ahora el muchacho está en la Florida y su amigo está en California.
3) El muchacho es de El Salvador pero ahora está en California. Su amigo es de Guatemala y también está en California.
4) Yo soy de (countr/city) y ahora estoy en (country/city).
5) Mi Casa está en la calle (name of street)
6) Mi casa está cerca de la escuela
7) mi escuela está en la ciudad de (name of city)