Another class received similar data to what we saw yesterday. Their investigation found that it looks like water enters a plant through the roots and exits through the leaves when light shines on it. Below are three students’ claims to answer the question “what happens to the water inside the plant?”

They have collected the same evidence as our class. Using the things we have done in class so far, provide written feedback to each student. Your feedback should identify what evidence could be used to support their claim. How does the evidence you have in your Thinking Deeper Documents, support (or not support) their claims? Think of ALL the things we’ve done so far in this unit and ALL of the videos we’ve seen.

Student A: The same water molecules that come into the plant through the roots go out of the plant through the leaves. They just flow through the plant without changing.

What evidence supports students A’s claim?

Do you agree or disagree with student A? Why or why not?

Student B: The water molecules that go into the plant are used to make food molecules, and other chemical reactions in the plant form water molecules that come out of the leaves.

What evidence supports students B’s claim?

Do you agree or disagree with student B? Why or why not?