Why won't peter go visit Mr.terupt in the hospital?

Answer :



cause he is gonna In(terupt) him all the time ?????


Answer:QuestionAnswerPg # In Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea What grade does Mr Terupt teach?5th grade1 What month does Because of Mr. Terupt start?September1 What kind of teacher is the best hope to get?Brand-new1 Which character first narrates BOMT?Peter1 What grade is Peter entering?Fifth1 What is the name of the rookie teacher?Mr. Terupt1 Where does Peter go to get out of doing work?The bathrooms1 Where are the bathrooms located?Right across the hall1 What did Peter's brother say you would have to clean the toilets with if you got caught plugging them with toilet paper? A tooth brush2 Who is the pirncipal?Mrs. Williams2 What are the two nicknames Mr. Terupt wanted to give Peter for using the restroom? Mr. Peebody Pee-er2 What table did Peter sit at?Number Three3 Who sat right next to Peter?Marty3 What is the name of the school where Mr Terupt teaches? Snow Hill School4 What was the name of the school?Snow Hill School4 What state does the book take place?Connecticut4 What color hair does Mr.s Williams have?Brown4 Who is Jessica's Mom?Julie Whiteman4 Two part question: What is the name of Jessica's new school and who is the principal? Snow Hill School AND Mrs. Williams.5 Where is Jessica from?California5 Where is Jessica's dad?California5 What does Jessica's dad do?Write plays5 1

Content Questions QuestionAnswerPg # In Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea How many fifth grade classrooms are there?Four6 What room is Mr. Terupts?202 6 What table does Jessica sit at?Two6 What book did Jessica have with her on the first day of school? A Wrinkle in Time6 Who gets all A's?Luke8 Who likes to wear flashy clothes?Alexia9 Who is always involved in some Girl War?Alexia9 What Dollar Word did Peter call out?Buttocks10 What was the first Dollar Word?Buttheads10 How long did they do Dollar Words for?Three Weeks10 How many Dollar Words did Luke eventually get?5411 What Dollar Word did Mr. Terupt use to describe Luke's list? Excellent11 What do Alexa's friends call her?Lexie13 What color lip gloss did Alexia put on?Rock Star Purple13 Who starts the girl war?Alexia.14 Who is "no good at school?"Jeffrey15 Who is "a little heavy?"Danielle16 Who is Danielle's brother?Charlie17 Where does Danielle live?On a farm17 Who says to God, "Do what you can to teach Alexia a lesson. If you made her fat, that would be all right by me."? (Danielle's) Grandma.18 Who is Anna's best friend?Her mom19 2

Content Questions QuestionAnswerPg # In Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea What does Mrs. Williams do if there is a big surprise coming? Winks19 What could Anna tell right away about Mr. Terupt?He is a reader20 How could Anna tell that Mr. Terupt was a reader?There were books all over the classroom20 What is Anna's mom studying?Art20 Who's mom is a library assistant at another school?Anna20 What unit excited Peter?Plan Unit25 Who cried because they didn't want to put their plant in a box? Anna25 Who was Peter's partner for the Plant Unit?Lexie26 Peter used cat litter, soda, and what other ingredient for his plant food? Maple Syrup26 How long did it take for Peter's plant to die?Two days26 Who says, "Man, things were just so much fun with Mr. T."? Peter.27 Who has been the smartest kid since kindergarten?Luke27 What happened when Luke mixed his plant food ingredients together? It started smoking27 What Dollar Word did Luke use to describe Jeffrey?Grumpy28 What did Luke receive for Christmas last year?A Chemistry Set29 What dollar word did Mr. Terupt use to describe what could happen when Luke mixed his ingredients together? Explodes29 Who started laughing when Luke's plant food began to smoke? Peter29 What did the janitors want Mr. Terupt to take off the walls? Math Posters32 3







Content Questions QuestionAnswerPg # In Because of Mr. Terupt by Rob Buyea Two part question: Who tells the class that they will move up to the next grade with Mr. Terupt as their teacher and what is the term she used for it? Mrs. Williams (the principal) AND looping.254 What will be different about the experimental year next year ? Mr. Terupts class will be Looping254 Jeffrey decides that sometimes school can actually be great and why does he think next year is going to be great? Because Mr. Terupt is back.258 Which bus does Anna takebus #9261 Who does Danielle say, "P.S. I'm sorry I got mad at you" to? God.265 What is the name of the school librarian that Jessica wants Mr. Terupt to date? Ms. Newberry.267 Which grade are the kids in this year5th268 What is the name of Anna's mom?Terri Adams157 & 159 Who did Danielle give pictures of her farm to?James
