How did Martin Luther King show self reliance?

Answer :


The Montgomery Bus Boycott led by Martin Luther King Jr. proved his self-reliance. He encouraged the idea that they did not need the government or their buses, and they would be just fine until bus segregation was diminished.



Dr. King: I quite agree that there is a great deal that the Negro can do to lift himself by his own bootstraps. Well has it been said by one that Negroes too often buy what they want and beg for what they need. Negroes must learn to practice systematic saving. They must also pool their economic resources through various cooperative enterprises. Such agencies as credit unions, savings and loan associations, and finance companies are needed in every Negro community. All of these are things that would serve to lift the economic level of the Negro which would in turn give him greater purchasing power. This increased purchasing power will inevitably make for better housing, better health standards, and for better educational standards.
