PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!

yo Tengo. yu Tienes. el ella ud Tiene. nosotros/as Tenemos. vosotros Tenéis. ellos ellas uds Tienen. I hope that makes sence.
yo tengo
tú tienes
ella tiene
nosotros tenemos
vosotros tenéis
ellos tienen
Tener is an irregular verb, but I'm sure you'll get it in no time. An irregular verb, in this case, means tener changes to tengo. A random g appears! All the ther verb tenses, however, are normal. Tener chnages to a base of tien. Now, we just have to add the endings. Tú gets es, ella gets e, ellos gets en. For nosotros and vosotros, we drop the i, and instead take the original beginning- ten. For nosotros, we add emos, for vosotros we add éis. Hope this helps & feel free to ask for any clarification!