Read the prompt. Then, choose the option with the correct demonstrative adjective.

Juana doesn't like to play with the stuffed animal in her hands, nor the one far in the distance. She prefers the one on the floor in front of her.

Juana jugaba con esa oso de peluche rojo.
Juana jugaba con ese oso de peluche rojo.
Juana jugaba con esta oso de peluche rojo.
Juana jugaba con este oso de peluche rojo.

Answer :

Juana jugaba con ese oso de peluche rojo.

The correct Demonstrative Adjective in the sentence is:

  • Juana jugaba con ese oso de peluche rojo.

Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish

These words serve to moderately indicate the distance at which a noun is from the reference person, however, it should be understood that they have gender and number depending on the gender and number of the noun to which it refers.

The demonstrative adjectives in Spanish are:

  • Male and singular: esto, este, aquel, aquello, eso, ese.
  • Female and singular: esta, aquella, esa
  • Male and plural: estos, aquellos, esos.
  • Female and plural: estas, aquellas, esas.

To identify the correct demonstrative adjective, you must recognize the gender and number of the noun you want to point to, and use one that has the same characteristics based on the guide above.

If you want to learn more about Demonstrative Adjectives in Spanish, you can visit the following link: