Answer :
I lay in the soft green grass, watching the wind shake the delicate petals around me.
For every brief moment i think I want to stay here forever and never flee.
I’m taken back by the quiet trickles of water i here flowing in the stream.
I watch a brittle leaf fall into the damp bliss letting the stream take it on its course
At this moment I feel no remorse,
Because maybe the key to life is embracing what comes your way even if it’s at full force.
For every brief moment i think I want to stay here forever and never flee.
I’m taken back by the quiet trickles of water i here flowing in the stream.
I watch a brittle leaf fall into the damp bliss letting the stream take it on its course
At this moment I feel no remorse,
Because maybe the key to life is embracing what comes your way even if it’s at full force.
From A Railway Carriage
Faster than fairies, faster than witches,
Bridges and houses, hedges and ditches;
And charging along like troops in a battle,
All through the meadows the horses and cattle:
All of the sights of the hill and the plain
Fly as thick as driving rain;
And ever again, in the wink of an eye,
Painted stations whistle by.
Here is a child who clambers and scrambles,
All by himself and gathering brambles;
Here is a tramp who stands and gazes;
And there is the green for stringing the daisies!
Here is a cart run away in the road
Lumping along with man and load;
And here is a mill and there is a river:
Each a glimpse and gone for ever!
Robert Louis Stevenson
witches -ditches
plain -rain
river -ever
Driving rain
A tramp who stands and gazes
Mill and River