Can someone help me?

Age does not define maturity, although it may sometimes. Life experiences will usually define maturity. During the early stage of your life (around 0-10) or of someone's life maturity may depend on age because of how you act during your childhood.
Maturity does not depend upon your age. Other people would be more mature then they actually are in the world if it was.
When people think of maturity they often think that maturity depends upon age, but it doesn't. Maturity is when you have the knowledge and ability to respond to certain tasks due to experience, for instance the ability to respond to the environment; this response comes from constantly being in the same environment though still being able to take time and location in correlation of how to behave. Maturity can also depend upon the circumstances and the culture of the society that a person lives in, for instance a child that grows up in a poor family would know the failures of hardship where as a child raised within a rich family would know that most things just come to them.
Hope this helps!!