Compare and contrast (three differences and three similarities) between density-independent and density-dependent limiting factor. (8th grade level)

Answer :


The correct answer is - similarities and differences are as follows:


Similarity 1: density-independent and density-dependent factors can limit population growth

Similarity 2: density-independent and density-dependent factors are abiotic and biotic factors

Similarity 3: both are affected by the factors that affect the birth rate and death rate. competition and predation are the density-dependent factors that affect the birth and death rates and severe weather and conditions such as fire are factors that change the rate of death and birth in the population.

The differences are as follows:

Difference 1:

Density-dependent limiting factors - results in a change of carrying capacity of the population whereas density-independent limiting factors - results in a change of both logistic and exponential growth of the population

Difference 2:

Density-independent factors take place due to overgrowth and density-dependent factors do not result due to the change in the population size and occurs randomly.