Identify three weaknesses of this movie. What aspects of The Last Samurai failed?
(Film/Movie): The last Samurai. 2003

Answer :


  • Despite the movie being set in Japan during the 1870s, the flag of the United States is shown to have 43 stars, which wouldn´t happen be possible before 1891.
  • The Meiji Emperor should have been called Emperor Mutsuhito while still alive, while his reign name could only be used after his death.
  • According to Japanese tradition, weapons should have been prohibited in the Emperor's presence.
  • According to Japanese tradition, Japan is believed to have been formed when a jeweled spear was dipped into the sea, not a sword, as it´s stated at the start of the movie.


There are several historical inaccuracies, which reveal a deficient understanding of the Japanese culture and the samurai tradition.