An effect is a result of an action. Based on your reading, describe the effects of the three actions you listed in part A. Be sure to use details from the text to support your answer.

An Effect Is A Result Of An Action Based On Your Reading Describe The Effects Of The Three Actions You Listed In Part A Be Sure To Use Details From The Text To class=

Answer :


be sure to use details from the text to support your answers



Because Franklin spent all of his money on the whistle that he saw in the street, he didn’t have any of his “pennies left for something else,” which caused him to cry. He also learned that he should never “pay too much for a whistle.”

Because Franklin didn’t go very far in school, he decided that he needed to “study by himself every minute he could get.”

Because Franklin told the king’s council that colonists would rather make their own clothes than pay taxes, the king decided that “clothing would not be taxed, and the colonists had great rejoicings.”


this was the exact answer