Answer choices (Choose all that apply)

Step 1: 3(4x+12) = 180 should equal 4x + 36 = 180

Step 1: 3(4x+12) = 180 should equal 12x + 36 = 180

4x + 36 = 180 (or 12x + 36=180) should equal 180-36 which is 144

4x + 36 = 180 (or 12x + 36=180) should equal 180-36 which is 168

4x = 168 is correct

4x = 144 is correct

12x = 168 is correct

12x = 144 is correct

Answer Choices Choose All That Apply Step 1 34x12 180 Should Equal 4x 36 180 Step 1 34x12 180 Should Equal 12x 36 180 4x 36 180 Or 12x 36180 Should Equal 18036 class=