1 you read about what it means to be physically, socially, emotionally, and spiritually healthy. Using the criteria in those notes, apply the information to your own life in order to better understand your current state of health:
1. Explain which one of these dimensions is your strongest. (5 pts)

2. 2. Explain which one of these dimensions is your weakest. (5 pts)

3. 3. Identify at least one change you would be willing to make to become healthier in your weakest dimension. (5 pts)

EE --Each of your 3 answers should be written in a paragraph at of least 6-8 sentences. Make sure you are including/integrating information from the notes about what it means to be healthy in the 2 dimensions you choose to write about. in your answers.

Answer :

Some of the components of spiritual well-being include: Feeling physically and emotionally whole. Having a sense of balance.


Some of the components of physical well-being include:

Maintaining a regular exercise regimen.

Consuming nutritious foods.

Preventing disease.

Getting enough sleep.

Spiritual wellness acknowledges our search for deeper meaning in life and is reflected when our actions become more consistent with our beliefs and values. Emotional wellness is a measure of our happiness and satisfaction with ourselves and our lives.