The eight intelligences are:

Word smart.

Number/Logic smart

Picture smart

Body smart

Music Smart

People smart

Self smart

Nature smart

PLEASE NOTE: we ALL have ALL of these intelligences to some extent. Even if we don’t like reading or writing, we know how to talk and use words; if we don’t like Math, we know that 2 + 2= 4, and that 60 minutes is longer than 10 minutes; if we are not great artists, we all can doodle.

Here are a few more things about each of the intelligences:

Word smart: Books are important, word games (Scrabble, Words with friends, Anagrams) are fun, tongue twisters, nonsense rhymes, puns are fun, you have a good vocabulary, you have written some thing (s) that you are proud of. Language Arts and Social Studies are easier than math or science, learning another language is relatively easy.

Number/Logic smart: you can compute numbers in your head, you enjoy brain teasers or games that require logical thinking, your mind searches for patterns, regularities, or logical thinking, Math and/or Science are easier than Language Arts or Social Studies. You enjoy new developments in technology and science, you pay close attention to graphs, statistics, and charts. I like when things are measures/analyzed/categorized/ quantified.

Picture Smart: You can see clear visual images when you close your eyes; you have strong opinions concerning colors; you like taking photos or video; you enjoy jigsaw puzzles, mazes, or other visual puzzles; you have vivid dreams at night; you like to draw or doodle; you prefer reading material with a lot of pictures or illustrations; you can imagine how something would look from a bird’s eye view.

Body Smart: you engage in at least one sport or physical activity on a regular basis, you enjoy playing sports, you are well coordinated, you find it hard to sit still for long periods of time, you enjoy hands-on activities like sewing, carpentry, model building, LEGOS; you like physical activities, you have a strong sense of touch and feel, you get your best ideas when walking, jogging, or doing something physical. You need to practice a new skill rather than just read about it or watch a video about it. YOu use hand gestures or body language when conversing with others.

Music Smart: you enjoy singing, you can tell when a note is off key, you listen to music in your spare time, you play at least one musical instrument, you have tunes running through your mind, you can easily keep time to a piece of music with the drum, you have a good sense of rhythm, you know a lot of songs.

People Smart: people come to you for advice, you prefer group sports to solo sports, you have at least three close friends, you go to other people for advice rather than work it out yourself, you enjoy social games like monopoly or cards over individual games, you enjoy teaching others how to do something, you are considered a leader - or think of yourself as one, you are comfortable in the middle of a crowd.

Self Smart: you regularly spend time alone meditating, reflecting, or thinking. You are resilient in the face of setbacks, you think about your goals and how to reach them regularly, you have a realistic view of your strengths and weaknesses, you consider yourself strong willed or independent minded, you keep a diary, you are more comfortable by yourself than in the middle of a crowd, you have a special hobby or interest that few people know about.

Nature Smart: you like backpacking, hiking, or walking in nature; you love having animals around the house, you are worried about the environment, you enjoy books, magazines, or television shows about nature, you like zoos or aquariums, you enjoy gardening. You are good at telling the difference between types of trees, dogs, birds and / or other plants and animals.

Answer :


Thank you :)

Many people feel like insecure and they belittle themselves and I want to thank you for reminding people that we're all good at something. Your words had a great impact on me especially since I feel like I'm the worst at math :)

(I am People Smart, Self Smart, Nature Smart, and Word Smart)