Answer :
A network of alliances drew nations from around the world into the conflict.
European nations had developed large militaries.
Strong national pride demanded that nations protect their interests.
Who was the U.S. president at the outbreak of World War I?
Answer: Woodrow Wilson
How did the United States react to the start of World War I?
Answer: The United States remained neutral, supporting neither side.
Which statement best illustrates the American attitude at the start of WWI?
Answer: “The war is a European problem—not ours.”
What was the purpose of Britain’s naval blockade?
Answer: to prevent Germany from receiving shipments of supplies
What action did Germany take that aggravated the United States?
Answer: German submarines sunk several ships containing U.S. passengers.
What was the Zimmerman Telegram?
Answer: a message from the German government to Mexico
Why was the Zimmerman Telegram significant?
Answer: It revealed Germany’s plot to recruit Mexico as an ally against the U.S.Which event finally convinced the United States to enter World War I?
Which event finally convinced the United States to enter World War I?
Answer: the Zimmerman Telegram