List all the bones on your thumb from proximal to distal. Do the same for your pinky finger.
What is the difference?

Answer :


Thumb= distal phalanx, promixal phalanx,  metacarpal

Pinky= distal phalanges ,middle phalanges,  prominal phalanges, metacarpal


Thumb bone from proximal to distal. Daumen = distale Phalanx, proximale Phalanx, Mittelhandknochen

Pinky = distale Phalangen, mittlere Phalangen, pronominale Phalangen, Mittelhandknochen.

What are the 14 phalanges?

The phalange is one of the bones of the fingers and toes. Beim Menschen gibt es 14 Fingerglieder in jeder Hand und jedem Fuß, 2 in jedem Daumen und großen Zeh und 3 in den verbleibenden Fingern. They are connected to the metacarpal bones of the hands and the metatarsals of the feet.

What is a phalange?

The phalanges are the bones that make up the fingers and toes. The human body has 56 phalanges, and each hand and foot has 14 phalanges. Each finger and toe has three phalanges, except that there are only two big toes and two big toes.

For more information on the phalanges, see
