The longest day, and shortest night, of the year occurs on the

vernal equinox
summer solstice
autumnal equinox
winter solstice Pls also help with this one:The change in the seasons is due to
(1 Point)
the sun itself getting hotter and colder in a yearly pattern
the Earth getting closer to, or farther from, the sun as the year goes by
the tilt of the Earth on its axis
the phases of the moon

Answer :


This is the first answer,

winter solstice

The winter solstice occurs during the hemisphere's winter. In the Northern Hemisphere, this is the December solstice (usually December 21 or 22) and in the Southern Hemisphere, this is the June solstice (usually June 20 or 21).

and this is the second one,

the tilt of the Earth on its axis

Seasons change because of the tilt of the Earth and the planet's movement around the Sun. Did you know? It takes about 365.25 days for the Earth to orbit the Sun. We have leap years to make up for the extra ΒΌ day!