What according to senator lodge was the danger of unrestricted immigration

The immigrants who would catch a glimpse of the statue would mainly
come from eastern and southern Europe.
In 1900, 14 percent of the American population was foreign born,
compared to 8 percent a century later. Passports were unnecessary and
the cost of crossing the Atlantic was just $10 in steerage.
DOCUMENT D (Modified)
The qualities of the American people…are moral far more than
intellectual, and it is on the moral qualities of the English-speaking
race that our history, our victories, and all our future rest. There is
only one way in which you can lower those qualities or weaken
those characteristics, and that is by breeding them out. If a lower
race mixes with a higher in enough numbers, history teaches us
that the lower race will prevail. The lower race will absorb the
We are exposed to but a single danger, and that is by changing
the quality of our race and citizenship through the mixing of races
whose traditions and beliefs are wholly alien to ours…. The time
has certainly come…to restrict those immigrants.
Source: Senator Henry Cabot Lodge of Massachusetts made this
statement in 1891. The occasion was a debate in the U.S. Senate over a
proposed Literacy Act that would restrict future American immigration to
those who could read and write.