1. Do you believe that parents should have all of the powers described in the Parents’ Constitution? Why or why not?
2. List four rights that you would add as amendments to the Parents’ Constitution to make it fairer for children and protect them from the power of parents.

Answer :

The power of parents is love and protection to there children

The powers described in the Parents constitution are the power or authority  

  1. of Custody
  2. of Physical and mental protection
  3. to provide Health and Safety
  4. to Supervision
  5. to decide the location of residence of the child, their religious belief,
  6. to make healthcare-related decisions of the child

The power given to parents over their children also goes along with responsibilities. Some of these have been mentioned above. Others are to provide:

  1. food
  2. shelter
  3. food and nutrition
  4. choice of school
  5. long term activities and hobbies
  6. education etc

Children by the virtue of age, physical, mental, and emotional abilities are prone to errors. This is why they require care. For this primary reason, the responsibility and authority to carry out those responsibilities must be attributed to an adult.

It is estimated that by the age of 18 and above (for most countries) a healthy person has gathered sufficient information, environmental know-how, mental and physical strength to solve the primary problems of survival. Hence, they are no longer minors and can fend for themselves as well as for others.

Parental Authority is crucial to the survival of the human race. If minors were allowed to do as they please, man would steer itself into extinction.

2. if there were any four rights that I would add to the amendment of the Parent's constitution, they would be

  1. Children must be protected from Abusive Parents
  2. Children must be protected from mentally unstable and or toxic parents such as parents who have trouble with sexual misconduct, substance abuse, chronic depression, etc
  3. Children must have the right to decide to stick with their biological or adopted parents regardless of what the authorities think;
  4. Children who are not yet 18 years but who can think for themselves must be allowed the power to make certain decisions as long as they are not illegal.

For more about the Constitutional Right of Parents, click here:
