Answer :
Follows are the code to this question:
#include <iostream>//header file
using namespace std;
int main()//defining a main method
int customer= 16508;//defining an integer variable
int E_drink, C_drink;//defining an integer variable
double buy_Energy_drink,buy_cold_drink;//defining a double variable
buy_Energy_drink= 0.15;//use double variable to assign value
buy_cold_drink= buy_Energy_drink *0.58;//use double variable to calculate value
E_drink = customer*buy_Energy_drink;//calculating value of E_drink
C_drink= customer*buy_cold_drink;//calculating value of E_drink
cout<<"\t\t\t -:Energy Drink Consumption:-"<<endl;//print message
cout<<"According to A soft drink company surveyed 16,500 of its customers."<<endl;//print message
cout<<E_drink <<" customer purchase one or more energy drinks per week."<<endl;//print message with value
cout<<C_drink <<" customer who prefer citrus-flavored energy drinks."<<endl;//print message with value
return 0;
Please find the attached file.
In this code, three integer variable "customer, E_drink, and C_drink" is defined, in which the first variable is used to hold a value, and the next two variables are used for calculating the value.
In the next step, two double variables "buy_Energy_drink, buy_cold_drink" is defined that calculate the given percentage value and passed into the integer variable to calculate the value and print the value with the given message.