On March 15, 2017, Frankel Construction contracted to build a shopping center at a contract price of $240 million. The schedule of expected (which equals actual) cash collections and contract costs follows: Year Cash Collections Cost Incurred 2017 $60 million $30 million 2018 100 million 80 million 2019 80 million 60 million Total $240 million $170 million Calculate the amount of net income for each of the three years 2017 through 2019 using the cost-to-cost method. ($ millions)

Answer :

Answer: you need to sell 40 million in cars then add 30 million to savings go to a bank an take out a loan up to 500 grand and make sure to pay it back on time for better credit and start taking small increments out of your savings and invest in a company and get a good side job with good benefits for retirement when you age up enough retire and take all the money out of all your accounts and buy a island and build a house with a bunker full of food this does not explain anything to you i am just wasting your time.