Answer :
At the end of Catching Fire, Katniss realizes that, by her own volition or not, she is “the Mockingjay”, a living symbol of defiance against the Capitol and a rallying point for the oppressed people of Panem.
Films: BackFilmsThe Hunger Games; Catching ...
Universe: BackUniversePanem ; Career Distri...
Music: BackMusicSongs; Songs from District 12
At the end of Catching Fire, Katniss realizes that, by her own volition or not, she is “the Mockingjay”, a living symbol of defiance against the Capitol and a rallying point for the oppressed people of Panem.
Films: BackFilmsThe Hunger Games; Catching ...
Universe: BackUniversePanem ; Career Distri...
Music: BackMusicSongs; Songs from District 12
I LOVE HUNGER GAMES that means something is about to happen poor prim