Write a program that will perform a few different String operations. The program must prompt for a name, and then tell the user how many letters are in the name, what the first letter of the name is, and what the last letter of the name is. It should then end with a goodbye message. A sample transcript of what your program should do is below:

Enter your name: Jeremy
Hello Jeremy!
Your name is 6 letters long.
Your name starts with a J.
Your name ends with a y.

Answer :


Follows are the code to this question:

import java.util.*;//import package for user input

public class Main//defining a class Main


public static void main(String[] asp)//main method


String n;//defining String variable

Scanner oxr=new Scanner(System.in);//creating Scanner class Object

System.out.print("Enter your name: ");//print message

n=oxr.next();//input value

System.out.println("Hello "+n+"!");//print message with value

System.out.println("Your name is "+n.length()+" letters long.");//print message with value

System.out.println("Your name starts with a "+n.charAt(0)+".");//print message with value

System.out.println("Your name ends with a "+n.charAt(n.length()-1)+".");//print message with value

System.out.print("Goodbye!");//print message




Please find the attached file.


In the above-given code, A string variable "n" is declared, that uses the Scanner class object for input the value from the user-end.

In the next step, the multiple print method has used, which calculates the length, first and the last latter of the string value, and uses the print method to print the calculated value with the given message.