Imagine that you are in Colombia. You’re planning a big party. Use the following points to guide your answer:

Start by stating your name.

Use the verb comprar to explain the clothing you are going to buy. Include at least three clothing items. (two sentences)

Use costar to explain the prices of three appetizers. (two sentences)

Use pagar to explain what you use to pay with.

I only need an answer to the 3rd one. PLEASE ANSWER IT USING COSTAR AND CORRECT GRAMMAR! Thank you.

Answer :


en Colombia pagas con el peso Colombian


in Colombia you pay with the Colombian peso

State name

Yo voy a comprar una camisa que dice Colombia. Tambien voy a comprar un pantaloon. Y voy a comprar un sombrero.

Ahora vamos a comer algo en la tienda. Los  alas costan 2.00 por 3. Tambien querio comprar algunos cangrejos y cuestan 5 pesos por 3.

Ahora voy a pagar con dinero cash.


I really hope this helps you, I tried my best.