Answer :
Gestures- a movement of part of the body, especially a hand or the head, to express an idea or meaning.
Rate- speed or tempo.
Resonance- he vibrating tone produced when the sound waves strike the chambers of the throat, head, nose, and mouth.
Illusion of the First Time-is the idea of delivering a rehearsed performance in a fresh and new way.
Audible- aims to foster new play development through Audible Theatre, a program in which Audible produces new live productions of plays and records them exclusively for Audible as audiobooks.
Inflection-change in pitch or loudness of the voice.
Upstaging-means the practice of standing further upstage than your fellow actor(s), thus forcing them to turn away from the audience in order to look at you, which places them in a poor position from the audience's point of view.