Answer :
The options to this question are unclear but the answer is: Hh, Hh, hh, hh i.e Hh (50%), hh (50%).
This question involves a single Gene coding for the possession or not of Huntington's disease in humans. The disease is said to be an autosomal recessive condition i.e. it only happens in a recessive state (hh).
According to this question, when a female with Huntington disease (hh) mates with a male that is heterozygous (Hh) for the Huntington trait, the following gametes will be produced by each parent.
hh - h and h
Hh - H and h
Using these gametes in a punnet square (see attached image), the following genotypic combination of offsprings will be produced.
Hh, Hh, hh and hh
Hh = 50%
hh = 50%
Huntington Disease is Which percentage
shows the genotype probability *