Get ready to be the Quizmaster! You are going to design your own Python game show in the style of a quiz.

Think of a genre (science, music, math, sports, video games, etc.) and create at least 10 questions. You can decide whether you want to make the questions multiple choice or not. Then, log on to to get programming.

Your quiz program must have the following items:

It must start by asking the user what their name is and welcoming them to your quiz. It pays to be polite!
Set up a variable to keep score. It is up to you how to design the points system. Will you give them 10 points for a correct answer and 0 for an incorrect answer? Or perhaps you will be tough and take away points for an incorrect answer!
Ask your 10 quiz questions. If they get a question wrong, be sure to tell the user what the correct answer was. Then, adjust the score appropriately, depending on whether their answer was right or wrong.
At the end of the program, tell the user their score.

Answer :


do video games. couldn't add any games because they said it was inappropriate like fortnight. -_- could spell it correctly cause they say it is inappropriate. a



name = input("What is your name? ")

print("Welcome to my quiz", name)

playing= input("do you want to play? ")

if playing != "yes" :

 quit ()

print("Okay! Let's play! :)")

score = 0

answer = input("who made the mona lisa? ")

if answer == "leonardo davinci":

 print ('Correct! ')

 score += 10



answer = input ("what are the seven elements of art? ")

if answer == "color, form, line, shape, space, texture, and value":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

answer = input ("Who made the broken column? ")

if answer == "Frida Kahlo":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

answer = input ("How much is the starry night worth? ")

if answer == "one hundred million":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

answer = input ("Who was the oldest artist? ")

if answer == "Julian Phelps Allan":

   print ('correct')

score += 10

answer = input ("Who was the first black artist? ")

if answer == "Henry Ossawa Tanner":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

 answer = input ("What is the most expensive art piece? ")

if answer == "Salvator Mundi":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

answer = input (" What is the most popular sculpture? ")

if answer == "Venus of Willendorf":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

answer = input ("Who was the first woman artist?")

if answer == "Artemisia Gentileschi":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

answer = input ("How old is the Mona Lisa?")

if answer == "519 years old":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

answer = input ("What are the most popular art mediums?")

if answer == "Prints, photographs, and works on paper":

 print ('correct')

 score += 10


 print ('incorrect')

print ("Congrats You got" + str(score) +"questions correct")


Just copy and paste this into repl it, use python then you'll have your quiz