Tony is driving to visit a friend who moved to another state. For the first hour, he drives on the interstate at a constant rate of 60 mph. For the next two hours, he drives on a state highway at a constant rate of 45 mph. The last hour of the trip is on a hilly country road, which slows him down to a steady rate of 35 mph. What is the total distance that Tony will drive to reach his friend’s house?

Answer :



Step-by-step explanation:

60(1 hour)+90(45x2hours)+35(1 hour)= 185


c -  185 miles

Step-by-step explanation:

first hour he travels 60 miles

2 more hours he was going at 45mph. times by 2 to equal 2 hours = 90 miles

final hour he traveled 35mph

add them all together

which equals 185 miles