(PYTHON) Complete the program to print out nicely formatted football player statistics. Match the following output as closely as possible -- the ordering of players is not important for this example.
2012 quarterback statistics:
Passes completed:
Greg McElroy : 19
Aaron Rodgers : 371
Peyton Manning : 400
Matt Leinart : 16
Passing yards: ...
Touchdowns / Interception ratio:
Greg McElroy : 1.00
Aaron Rodgers : 4.88
Peyton Manning : 3.36
Matt Leinart : 0.00
quarterback_stats = {
'Aaron Rodgers': {'COMP': 371, 'YDS': 4925, 'TD': 39, 'INT': 8},
'Peyton Manning': {'COMP': 400, 'YDS': 4659, 'TD': 37, 'INT': 11},
'Greg McElroy': {'COMP': 19, 'YDS': 214, 'TD': 1, 'INT': 1},
'Matt Leinart': {'COMP': 16, 'YDS': 115, 'TD': 0, 'INT': 1}

print('2012 quarterback statistics:')

print(' Passes completed:')
for qb in quarterback_stats:
comp = quarterback_stats[qb]['COMP']
#print(' %?: %?' % (qb, comp)) # Replace conversion specifiers
# Hint: Use the conversion flag '-' to left-justify names

print(' Passing yards:')
for qb in quarterback_stats:
print(' QB: yards')

print(' Touchdown / interception ratio:')
# ...
# Hint: Convert TD/INTs to float before calculating ratio

Answer :


quarterback_stats = {

'Aaron Rodgers': {'COMP': 371, 'YDS': 4925, 'TD': 39, 'INT': 8},

'Peyton Manning': {'COMP': 400, 'YDS': 4659, 'TD': 37, 'INT': 11},

'Greg McElroy': {'COMP': 19, 'YDS': 214, 'TD': 1, 'INT': 1},

'Matt Leinart': {'COMP': 16, 'YDS': 115, 'TD': 0, 'INT': 1}


print("2012 quaterback statistics: ")

print("Passes completed: ")

for qb in quaterback_stats.keys():

   print(f"{quaterback_stats[qb]} : {quaterback_stats[qb]['COMP']}")

print("Passing yards:")

for qb in quaterback_stats.keys():

   print(f"{quaterback_stats[qb]} : {quaterback_stats[qb]['YDS']}")

print("Touchdown / interception ratio")

for qb in quaterback_stats.keys():

   if quaterback_stats[qb]['TD'] > 0 and quaterback_stats[qb]['INT'] > 0:

       print(f"{quaterback_stats[qb]} : {float(quaterback_stats[qb]['TD']) / float(quaterback_stats[qb]['INT])}")


       print(f"{quaterback_stats[qb]} : {0.0}")


The python program gets data from a dictionary called quaterback_stats which holds the data of football players with their names as the keys and a list of records as the value.

The program prints the individual records from the dictionary using a for loop statement on the list of dictionary keys (using the keys() method).