What are the basic elements of music?
What is pitch?
What is syncopation? What types of music use syncopation?
What is form in music?
What are three examples of form discussed in this unit? Describe each form.

Music has sometimes been referred to as a “universal language.” Why has this description been applied to music? Do you agree or disagree with this assessment? Why?
Why is musical notation important? What benefits do musicians and others receive from being able to write a musical idea down?
In the first part of the unit, we discussed how music is everywhere in society. What are some of the ways that we use music? What are three ways you use music in your own life?
Music can help influence the mood or feeling in a place by the musical elements it incorporates. What is a specific example of this that you have experienced? Discuss the experience (what was the song? how was it played? how did the mood/feeling in the space change?). For example, you might discuss your experience at a concert, religious service, or another place where music played a part in creating the mood.

Answer :


pitch is a standard sound of highness and lowness



What are the basic elements of music?

Rhythm dynamics melody harmony tone color texture

2. What is pitch?

Pitch is the quality of sound and the vibrations that change the degree of highness or lowness of a tone.

3. What is syncopation? What types of music use syncopation?

Syncopation is a term in music for a stress on a usually unstressed beat.

Music genres that use this are reggae, blues, dubstep, rap etc.

4. What is form in music?

Form is the basic structure of music.


those are the first four hope it helps