He is of average height and has a solid build owing to the years he spent as a construction worker. His face is not too wrinkled but his complexion is ruddy. He often keeps his white hair covered with a straw hat that protects him from the sun. He is usually casual dressed and he dislikes wearing a suit and a tie.

He is of average height and has a solid build owing to the years he spent as a construction worker. His face is not too wrinkled but his complexion is ruddy. He often keeps his white hair covered with a straw hat that protects him from the sun. He is usually casual dressed and he dislikes wearing a suit and a tie.

He is of average height and has a solid build owing to the years he spent as a construction worker. His face is not too wrinkled but his complexion is ruddy. He often keeps his white hair covered with a straw hat that protects him from the sun. He is usually casual dressed and he dislikes wearing a suit and a tie.

Round character
Flat characterization
All of these answers are correct.
Indirect characterization

Answer :


B flat


through process of elimination I think its flat, but not sure (this is direct characterization as the author directly describes, and the character does not change so is not round)