Shonda’s car gets an average of LaTeX: 27 miles per gallon. Gas costs $LaTeX: 2.25 per gallon and she drives LaTeX: 892 miles to get from Baltimore, MD to Orlando, FL. What are the conversion factors she could use to calculate the cost of gas to get from Baltimore to Orlando? How much will she spend on gas?

Answer :

The conversion factors she could use to calculate the cost of gas : 33.037 gallon from Baltimore to Orlando

She will spend $74.33 on gas

Further explanation


Shonda’s car : 27 miles per gallon

Gas cost = $ 2.25/gallon

Distance Baltimore to Orlando = 892 miles


Cost of gas


Total gallon needed to get from Baltimore to Orlando :

892 miles : 27 miles/gallon = 33.037 gallon

Cost of gas :

33.037 gallon x $2.25/gallon = $74.33