The program is an illustration of frames in Python:
Frames are part of what makes up a graphic user interface program.
The missing code segment in Python, where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:
#This defines the draw handler method
def draw_handler(canvas):
#This imports the random module
import random
#This generates a random number between 0 and 1000
#This following iteration is repeated
for r in range (600,600):
#This sets the rgb color code to the random number
r = randNum; g = randNum; b = randNum
#This gets the color code
randRGBcolor = "RGB(" + str(r) + "," + str(b) + ")"
#This draws the points
canvas.draw_point([x, x],(randRGBcolor))
At the end of the program, the 1000 points are displayed on the screen
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