Compare the duration of actions of warfarin (Coumadin) and Enoxaparin(Lovenox) and explain the reason the provider switched to Enoxaparin at this time

Answer :


The duration of the effect of Warfarin is prolonged for 2 to 5 days, while the effect of enoxaparin can be maintained for a maximum of 24 hours. The provider probably switched to Enoxaparin to better control the anticoagulant effect.


Warfarin (Coumadin) is an orally administered anticoagulant that indirectly interferes with the action of vitamin K-dependent coagulation factors II, VII, IV and X. The effect as an anticoagulant can begin after 8 hours of administration, reaching a maximum effect in 72 hours, and an effect that can last up to five days.

Enoxaparin (Lovenox) is an anticoagulant administered subcutaneously, whose effect is to inhibit the activity of coagulation factor Xa. Its effect is rapid after administration, and its half-life is relatively short —about 4 to 6 hours— so that the effect can remain for no more than 24 hours.

When a provider switchs the indication of warfarin to enoxaparin, it is to achieve better control of anticoagulation, use it for a limited time or without affecting other mechanisms of blood coagulation.