Directions: Write 3 paragraphs on the topic below: Follow all rules of spelling,
grammar and punctuation
TOPIC: Imagine a door suddenly appears in the hallway at school. Write a story
about where the doorway would lead. ​

Answer :

Tendrils of smoke encircled the terrified girl, as she gingerly stepped towards the intimidating door.

It stood, in magnificent glory, its brass handle simply beckoning her to turn its handle and venture inside.
The eerie strangeness of it all was almost palpable, filling the girls stomach with dread.

As her fingertips grasped the handle, the door made a loud creak, sending her flying backwards and having to recompose herself.
She took a deep breath, and stepped inside, feeling the weight of the situation disappear as she was surrounded by light.

As she regained consciousness, she realised she was in a snowy forest, the white snowflakes gracefully dancing and landing on her pale face.
The creatures of the day had long since burrowed in their homes, the nocturnal creatures curled up in their own alcove.

Time stood still in that beautiful forest, it was as though the forest had taken a paintbrush and painted an image of its own.