Project: Strategies for Effective Communication
In the lesson, there is a chart of strategies for effective communication. You will use this chart to complete your assignment. Select eight of the strategies. For four of the strategies, describe a situation where a team member models effective communication. For the other four strategies, describe a situation where a team member exhibits a breakdown in communication. Each scenario must be at least one paragraph in length.

For example: If the strategy was to always greet a patient in a positive and friendly way, we could describe a situation where a health care worker modeled this behavior or a situation where a health care worker did not act appropriately.

After you complete your scenarios, do some research online or in the library. Find at least two more strategies for effective communication. Provide an example of ineffective communication and effective communication related to each strategy. Discuss why you selected each strategy and how you think each strategy can be useful in effective communication. Make sure that you select strategies that were not mentioned in the chart or used as an example in the lesson.

Answer :


Focus on the issue, not the person. ...

Be genuine rather than manipulative. ...

Empathize rather than remain detached. ...

Be flexible towards others. ...

Value yourself and your own experiences. ...

Use affirming responses.

Meet regularly. Hold regular strategy meetings for the entire team. ...

Be inclusive. ...

Be transparent, clear and concise. ...

Show some respect. ...

Recognize that being right may be wrong. ...

Use online collaboration tools.

