how was the ancient indians were greatly affected by and dependent on the indus river answer

Answer :


The river is especially critical since rainfall is meagre in the lower Indus valley.

The Indus is the most important supplier of water resources to the Punjab and Sindh plains.

The Indus River basin has a high diversity, being the home of more than 180 freshwater fish species, including 22 which are found nowhere else. Fish also played a major role in earlier cultures of the region, including the ancient Indus Valley Civilisation where depictions of fish were frequent.

The Indus civilisation's economy appears to have depended significantly on trade, which was facilitated by major advances in transport technology. These advances may have included bullock carts, as well as boats. Most of these boats were probably small, flat-bottomed craft, perhaps driven by sail, similar to those one can see on the Indus River today.
