so I had to write a poem about beauty for my art class
can I get yalls opinion on it?
I wanna. get a good grade so. . .
pls help
"ew, look at her"
"I pity her, she will never find love with that face"
everywhere I go
someone has something to say
if what they say is true
I don't want to see
if see the ugliness that they whisper about
I think will shatter like glass
"your beautiful"
"ii can and will protect you"
"I will always be by your side"
"I love you"
how can one person tell me these things
when the rest of the world tells me something else
how can I look at him
and see that he isn't lying
to trust him like I trust no other
how is it that he is the one to make me smile and laugh and feel good about myself
after years and years of trying to be the person the world wanted me to be
i only feel the need to impress HIM
he made me realize
my reflection does not define me
society does not define me
because of him
I am happy with who I am
I am happy with what l look like
because of him
I am happy