Using the verb singen, write five sentences in German according to the cues below. Your sentences should be original and
you should not copy directly from course materials or any other resources. Make sure your verbs are in the correct position
in each sentence. You don't have to translate the cues in parentheses. They are just an illustration in English of what you
might do in German
1. Write a simple statement. (ex. He sings)
2. Write a yes/no question. (ex. Does he sing?)
3. Write a command (imperative form). (ex. Sing!)
4. Write a question using a modal verb (ex. können) (Can he sing?)
5. Use singen in the present perfect tense. (ex. He has sung.)

Answer :

  1. sie singt. (she sings.)
  2. singt ihr? (do you [plural] sing?)
  3. sing für mich! (sing for me!)
  4. wird er singen? (will he sing?)
  5. sie haben gesungen. (they have sung.)

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