Answer :
Answer: If this is informal, write it like this.
I strongly believe that we need to change the way we treat the animals around us because we are destroying the environment they live in over time. Not only that, millions of animals are slaughtered every year to be used as livestock. Finally, we need to change the way we treat the animals around us because we have began to domestic many different species of animals which significantly impacts their behaviors.
I’m so sorry if this isn’t good but I didn’t want to leave you hanging. I’ve been in Agriculture for 7 years now. You’ll be able to find much stronger evidence to support why we should change how we act towards them. Search online for the treatment of livestock. You can provide several examples. Cattle are usually treated the worst which is very sad. You can also talk about climate change though that might be a little off topic but our actions are affecting the environment around us overtime which impacts animals negatively. For this, I would look up news on polar bears as that is the biggest issue being covered on the news currently.